
„You must wait and watch and one night you will
understand, the language of the phases of the Moon.” 

―  Avijeet Das

Moonlit Sketch

The original sketch

In this picture I have finally realized a concept, which I had in mind for a long time. A rowboat, which is attached to a cloud in the sky, next to a small wooden hut on this cloud in front of a night sky and shining moon. I came back to the long-planned concept rather by coincidence. I was looking for images on Unsplash for new works and the wooden hut caught my eye. This fit exactly to the picture, what I had before my eyes. I downloaded the hut and looked directly for a picture for the planned cloud. All images used are linked below.

Matching pictures

After I had the cabin and the cloud it was still a matter of finding a suitable rowing boat, which turned out to be no problem. Then I started to superimpose the images with a low opacity to get a nice composition. The cloud image I had as background was too short in length. So I had to extend the image artificially, but managed to do that easily with brushes, copy stamps and overlay effects. After I was done with it, the only thing missing was the moon and the beautiful matching starry sky. Then I added a brightness gradient to make it look more realistic.

Moonlit Sketch 3.jpg

Colors and atmosphere

The light is reflected by the moon and in this image comes from the upper, back, right corner. I wanted to emphasize this light dark contrast with color a bit. To do this, I have adjusted the light shades and the deep shades in the image color and was quite satisfied with the red blue/green contrast. At the very end, the foreground was still too empty for me. That's why I added two more clouds and blurred them a bit to create some depth of field in the image. Then I adjusted the noise in the individual images to each other and was satisfied with the result. I hope you like it.



Just a rowboat floating on a cloud next to a house. What do you think? Is anyone in the house? Maybe he or she is sleeping and recovering from the boat ride through the night sky, exhausted from all the rowing. Let's give him or her a rest. Maybe there's another big trip to the moon scheduled for tomorrow.

What are your thoughts when you look at this work of digital art? Let me know!